​​​The Cenacle Mission Singapore

Need someone to talk to about your personal or spiritual situation? 

Know more about the programmes and retreats that we offer for the year and how to register

"It is a great gift  the Lord has given us by bringing us together here in the Upper Room. Here the Church was born and was born to go forth.

In the Upper Room, the risen Christ, sent by the Father, bestowed upon the apostles his own Spirit and with this power, he sent forth to renew the face of the earth"

 Pope Francis, homily in the Upper Room 2014

+6565652895 / +6597223148 / cenaclemissionsingapore@gmail.com

"To enter the Cenacle means to  enter God's Heart,

​to dare to experience something of God,

to allow something of God to enter into us..."

Pope Paul VI (1970)

​​2024  Retreats

The Cenacle Sisters conduct a wide range of programmes and retreats in Singapore as well as accompany individuals in their spiritual journey.

Enter The Cenacle