A Place , An Experience

The Cenacle Sisters in Singapore

The Religious of the Cenacle is an international religious congregation working for the transformation of the world by awakening and deepening faith with and for the people of our times. 

But what exactly is the Cenacle? When and where were the Cenacle Sisters founded? When did the community in Singapore start?
The Sisters of the Cenacle (full title: Congregation of Our Lady of the Retreat in the Cenacle) is a Roman Catholic Congregation founded in 1826 in the village of Lalouvesc (Ardèche), France. The founders were Saint Thérèse Couderc and diocesan priest Jean-Pierre Etienne Terme.
As Cenacle Sisters, we are called to surrender our whole lives to God, and this we do through our threefold mission: prayer, community and spiritual ministry.

Sr. Francisca Tan
Sr. Ermilda (Mel) Benedictos
Sr Christine (Kriz)

THE CENACLE IS THE “Upper Room” in Scriptures (Acts 1 : 14)
This was where

  • Jesus celebrated the Last Supper
  • Jesus washed the disciples’ feet
  • Mary and the disciples waited in prayer for the coming of the Holy Spirit
Sr Linda Lizada